“Egyptian Swiss for Milling and Pasta” Participates in BRICS Meetings 2024

Bricks Meetings 2024

The Egyptian Swiss Group for Milling,  Pasta, and Concentrates participated in the BRICS 2024 meetings during the “Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Development” conference, following an invitation from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. The group was the only Egyptian industrial company present.

The conference was held in Moscow, Russia, from June 27-28, ahead of the 14th meeting of BRICS Agriculture Ministers, which was attended by the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture on Friday.

The conference was attended by Hani Lawandy, Chairman of the Egyptian Swiss Group for Milling,  Pasta, and Concentrates, and Ahmed Al-Sebaey, General Manager of the group. The Egyptian Swiss Group was the only Egyptian industrial company participating in the conference, along with another agricultural company as part of an Egyptian delegation that included the Food Industries Chamber of the Federation of Egyptian Industries and the Chairman of the General Authority for Supply Commodities.


The Egyptian delegation also attended the meetings held on the sidelines of the conference and the 14th meeting of BRICS Agriculture Ministers, in which Egypt participated this year following its official joining of the BRICS countries.

Bricks Meetings 2024

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